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Church Organizations - Summary

Given below is a brief summary on the each of Church Organizations at St Paul's Milagiriya.

Servers Guild.jpg

Serving at the altar is a privilege and we thank God for the calling. We as servers assist with the worship during Sunday services and special services. We are trained in the handling of communion vessels and vestments, proper movement in the sanctuary and in procession and in the server duties pertaining to the liturgy. The servers’ guild is always looking for individuals with a desire to serve in this humble manner during worship at our church.


The Choir continues to play an active role in leading worship at St Paul’s Church. We have a very dedicated group of choristers supported by a talented group of musicians. We strive to sing beautiful and challenging music to glorify God and to edify the congregation. We always try to maintain a balance between the traditional and modern, hymns and choruses to cater to everyone in the congregation. We have recorded our voices and put together several virtual song clips. We have attached a few of them for your listening pleasure.


We praise God for His guidance, protection and faithfulness that has carried us through this important ministry in our church. We thank God for the dedication of all our teachers and for the support given to keep moving forward. Sunday School for the kids is to give them a basic understanding of what the Bible is about, what the circumstances of the people in the bible are, how those circumstances might relate to the kids later in life, and to give them an initial understanding of how Jesus said we should live.


Youth Fellowship for many years have been at the core of church based youth work. Traditionally the group would comprise of church attending young people who would meet together after church on Sunday evening. Today’s challenges, are increasing and retaining YF members, focusing mainly on facilitating the development of close interpersonal relationships with each other and identifying how to facilitate spiritual development & growth with the younger YF members.


The Young Adults Fellowship is a relatively new organization which started off it 2020 to facilitate as a Support Group for those who are between the ages of 25 and 40. YAF meeting dates are flexible as this group comprises of some of the busiest people in the Parish but try to meet at least once a month. Meeting locations switch between the church or at a YAF members residence. We enjoy our time discussing many topics which are relevant for out age group and the meetings always include F&B.


Our Mothers Union dates back to 1908. Our aims and objectives are focused on Promoting and supporting married life, Encouraging parents to develop the faith of their children, maintain christian unity and protection of children. All the membership programs are designed and centered upon family life and its values. The Mothers Union meets at 5:00pm on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month.



We praise God for His guidance, protection and faithfulness that has carried us through this important ministry in our church. We thank God for the dedication of all our teachers and for the support given to keep moving forward. Sunday School for the kids is to give them a basic understanding of what the Bible is about, what the circumstances of the people in the bible are, how those circumstances might relate to the kids later in life, and to give them an initial understanding of how Jesus said we should live.


The content and purpose of preaching has been God and the glory of God. Constant focus on sermons that emphasize on practical theology are being preached. With different people leading worship at the 8 am service – our regular worship leaders, the Youth Fellowship (every 4th Sunday) and Sunday School (once a quarter) – there is opportunity for expression of creativity in the worship. The worship and preaching team continues to meet every three months to review and plan the worship.


Home visitation is a traditional strategy for ministry. At its best it is a tool that allows and encourages spiritual development among members of the congregation. The lay visitor is a ministry of caring enough to give one’s time to be truly present to someone in times of crisis, joy happiness or sadness. We listen with a prayerful heart, a heart connected to a caring, loving God. Information and needs of parishioners are shared with the Clergy who follow it up, and there is a sense of shared ministry with the Clergy.


In the model church we want to become, reaching out to the needy with a substantial amount of funds the formation of the MOSC began. A structured program to monitor, facilitate, formalize and review requests of appeal is their  primary objective and  are inspired on the scripture from the book of Matthew 25, seeks to better monitor how the church lives up to these words.


In the model church we want to become, reaching out to the needy with a substantial amount of funds the formation of the MOSC began. A structured program to monitor, facilitate, formalize and review requests of appeal is their  primary objective and  are inspired on the scripture from the book of Matthew 25, seeks to better monitor how the church lives up to these words.


In the model church we want to become, reaching out to the needy with a substantial amount of funds the formation of the MOSC began. A structured program to monitor, facilitate, formalize and review requests of appeal is their  primary objective and  are inspired on the scripture from the book of Matthew 25, seeks to better monitor how the church lives up to these words.


In the model church we want to become, reaching out to the needy with a substantial amount of funds the formation of the MOSC began. A structured program to monitor, facilitate, formalize and review requests of appeal is their  primary objective and  are inspired on the scripture from the book of Matthew 25, seeks to better monitor how the church lives up to these words.


In the model church we want to become, reaching out to the needy with a substantial amount of funds the formation of the MOSC began. A structured program to monitor, facilitate, formalize and review requests of appeal is their  primary objective and  are inspired on the scripture from the book of Matthew 25, seeks to better monitor how the church lives up to these words.


In the model church we want to become, reaching out to the needy with a substantial amount of funds the formation of the MOSC began. A structured program to monitor, facilitate, formalize and review requests of appeal is their  primary objective and  are inspired on the scripture from the book of Matthew 25, seeks to better monitor how the church lives up to these words.


In the model church we want to become, reaching out to the needy with a substantial amount of funds the formation of the MOSC began. A structured program to monitor, facilitate, formalize and review requests of appeal is their  primary objective and  are inspired on the scripture from the book of Matthew 25, seeks to better monitor how the church lives up to these words.

© 2022 by St Paul's Church Milagiriya.

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