Welcome to St Paul's Church, Milagiriya.

St Paul's Church Milagiriya is an Anglican Church that belongs to Diocese of Colombo. St Paul's is located in Bambalapitiya (Colombo 04) a suburb of Colombo, Sri Lanka. The church was established over 130 years ago and comprises a worshiping community which includes people from different walks of life. Through the practice of true Christian values, we provide spiritual guidance for all members who wish to be a part of our church family.
The church was first built by the Portuguese as a Roman Catholic place of worship and was known as Nossa Senhora dos Milagres (Our Lady of Miracles). Milagiriya is the ‘Sinhalise’ name for the Portuguese word "Milagres", meaning miracles. There was a well near the original church and during the Portuguese era, Portuguese people used to flock here as it was reputed to have miraculous properties. The sick were brought to the church from all over the island to drink the water from the well.
Sunday Services
06:30 AM English Service
08:00 AM English Service
July 30th - 8am Service
10:00 AM Tamil Service
05:30 PM English Evensong
08:00 AM Trilingual Service
(Every 05th Sunday of the month)
Weekday & Saturday
07:00 AM English Service
Church Activities
Sunday School
Every Sunday at 10:00am
Sunday Discussion
Every Sunday at 10:00am
Mothers Union
Every 2nd & 4th Monday at 5:00pm
Choir Practice
Every Friday at 6:30pm
Young at Heart
Every Poya Day at 10:00am
Prayer Meetings
Every Monday at 9:00pm on Zoom
Contact Us
299, Galle Road, Colombo 4
Western Province
Sri Lanka 00400
Parish Office
Tel: 011-2588712
Email: stpauls@sltnet.lk
(Fr. Andrew Devadason)
Home Tel: 011-2555418
Mobile: 0776764251
Email: andrewdeva@gmail.com
Assistant Priest
(Fr. Suren Watson)
Mobile: 0773028108
Email: surenwatson@gmail.com
Visiting Priest
(Fr. Melvin De Silva)
Mobile: 0777214236
Email: revmelvind@gmail.com
The Parochial church Council (PCC) meeting will be held on July 30th after the 8am Tri lingual service in the Church building.
Live streaming Volunteers needed.
Education Assistance –Any child who is regularly attending St. Paul’s Church, Milagiriya, who is in need of any critical education assistance, please contact the Vicar.
Bible Readers and Intercessors - We invite Bible readers and Intercessors to give their names which will be included in the next Roster.
We welcome anyone who can play a Musical instrument to join us for our worship services.
Vacancy – We are looking for a CCYM Coordinator- Interested please email your CV to - ccym@dioceseofcolombo.lk